22/3 – 24/3 2024
22/3 Friday
10:00 -15:00
Kwigira Museum
Official Opening Ceremony
10:00 – Late
Kings Palace Museum
Cow Expo. Expo with products related to cows on show at the King’s Palace Museum grounds
All day
Kings Palace Museum
Interactive cultural experiences at the museum open all day
All day
Visitors Center
Interactive cultural experiences at the visitors center
19:00 – 23:00
Kings Palace Museum
Igitaramo Evening (Cultural Entertainment)
23/3 Saturday
10:00 – Late
King’s Palace Museum
Cow Expo. Expo with products related to cows on show at the King’s Palace Museum grounds
10:00 – 14:00
Kwigira Museum
The Inyambo Parade
All day
Kings Palace Museum
Interactive cultural experiences and exhibitions at the museum open all day
All day
Visitors Center
Interactive cultural experiences at the visitors center
24/3 Sunday
10:00 – 14:00
King’s Palace Museum
Cow Expo. Expo with products related to cows on show at the King’s Palace Museum grounds
10:00 – 14:00
Kings Palace Museum
Interactive cultural experiences and exhibitions at the museum open all day
10:00 – 14:00
Visitors Center
Interactive cultural experiences at the visitors center
All locations
End of festivities, exhibitions and expo